Your Collective - Mind, Body & Spiritual Balance
Your Collective is a space where we explore the ways in which we can calm and quiet the mind, so that we can tune into and listen to our bodies and ultimately listen to the whisper of what our soul desires. How do we connect the trifecta so that they can work together in harmony and unity?
Your Collective - Mind, Body & Spiritual Balance
Spiritual Energy of Business Success
Unlock the power of spiritual alignment in business with our special guest, Ranchelle Van Bryce, an international speaker and the inspiring host of "Ignite your Success." Through her journey from managing Curves franchises to founding the Sacred Art of Business, Ranchelle has masterfully blended metaphysics and strategic business coaching to empower women. Learn how balancing logic with intuition can transform your decision-making process and lead to unexpected, yet remarkable outcomes.
Discover the unique fusion of energy work and marketing strategies as Ranchelle and I discuss aligning beliefs and business goals for success, even amid economic uncertainty. Hear practical examples of using feng shui and Reiki subtly to create harmonious event environments and attract positive results. This episode emphasizes the importance of meeting clients where they are and leading them towards a heart-centered business approach.
Explore the balance of divine masculine and feminine energies within corporate settings, and understand the transformative power of surrendering control. From personal stories of manifesting travel opportunities to insightful discussions on embracing life's detours with gratitude, this episode offers a profound look at how spirituality can enrich both personal and professional growth. Join us for a conversation that promises to reshape your perspective on integrating faith and strategy in business.
Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, wherever you might be when you're listening to this. My name is Charisse Alexander, your host of your Collective. On today's episode, I'll be joined by Ranchelle Van B, international speaker, radio host, online TV host and, of course, a fellow podcaster. The name of Ranchelle's podcast is Ignite your Success with Ranchelle Van Brice. What we will be chatting about today is how do we weave our intuition and our spirituality, or faith, in with our business. How do we make decisions from a place of leaning into something that's maybe not as logical? So, without further ado, let us dive in and chat with Ranchelle. Dive in and chat with Ranshell. Good afternoon and thank you so much, ranshell, for joining me today here on your Collective. I am so honored and so pleased to have you here For the listeners that are joining us today, I have Ranshell Van Brice, creator of the Sacred Art of Business, who's joining me here today.
Sherisse Alexander:I've known Ranchelle for what year are we in? 2024. So I don't know, maybe about four or five years roughly, and I'm actually going to turn it over to Ranchelle so she can tell us a little bit about who she is, what she does and how did she get to this point in her career. So, Ranchelle, without further ado, I turn it over to you.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:Thank you so much. I'm excited to be here. She is what she does and how did she get to this point in her career? So, Ranchelle, without further ado, I turn it over to you. Thank you so much, I'm excited to be here, and hard to believe it's been four years, or just over four years, that we've known each other. So, as you said, my name is Ranchelle Van Bryce.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:I am the founder, the keeper of that just came to me, the keeper of something called the sacred art of business, and my career in business started, you know, quite a while ago, in 2000.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:I started my journey as being Curves franchise owner, and we had eight franchises, and so I did that for many years, and I always bring that up because there was so many valuable whether we call them lessons or challenges or knowings opportunities for expansion, you know, when I had the curves, and so I had this great introduction to a very strategic part of business, and you know, I know we're going to talk a little bit about that and so, but aligning then with my purpose and my mission, and at that time it was around empowering women to be able to make a decision about their health.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:And so you know, I think what's? Whatever I do, the theme always is to be working mostly with women. I do work with some men, but to empower them to create decisions about themselves, and whether that's leading to being a sovereign being, whether that's leading someone to become the CEO of their business, whether that's, you know, guiding and mentoring women to combine both strategy and spirituality. That is kind of an overarching theme that I always find myself in, and so my first you know first endeavor was with Curves Franchises. I recently, in the last year, received my Bachelor's of Science degree in Metaphysics through the University of Sedona, and so I'm a non-ordained reverend. And then I'm working now towards my Master's and PhD in Metaphysics, and there's a couple of different areas that I can go, but one of them being business ethics, which for me is really the culmination of strategy and spirituality.
Sherisse Alexander:And so, yeah, Allow me to congratulate you on that, on the PhD in metaphysics. I'm just curious, how long did that actually take you? I'm just curious.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:Yeah, still working on it. So my degree took. I was able to fast track my bachelor's degree, and so it took me a year to complete the degree. And then I'm just in the process. Because of how long I've been in this world, I'm allowed to write both, do my master's and PhD kind of simultaneously the research. And so I'll have to, of course, send the master's in first and then the PhD thesis after that. Yeah, it's pretty exciting. And then I'll be a doctor of, and then, whether it's the philosophy of metaphysics or in business ethics, or there's quite a few directions I can, I can go, and so that's actually been part of the challenges, deciding what I want my doctorate in.
Sherisse Alexander:So, yeah, Well, congratulations on that. That is an accomplishment, because I know how full your days and weeks and months are and so carving out time to study, I know, definitely takes a commitment to you know, examining what that path looks like. So congrats to you. So, for those who might not be familiar with you and your business and your and your coaching, can you share for the listeners your journey in discovering the relationship between spirituality and business strategy and how you came to be a business coach that has really really niched that out, because you're really the first business coach that I ever met who is like we're going to talk about spirituality and how we can really weave those together.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:So can you share, I can, and it actually starts with one of my origin stories around Curves, and so I was blessed to be the first person to purchase a Curves franchise in Canada. I was the second to open and I went to training in Waco, texas, and was listening to the founder of Curbs His name is Gary Haven Curbs is no longer and he was talking about the opportunity that we could have to have impact and influence and income, although he worded a bit differently, you know, depending on what we wanted to do with our franchises. Depending on what we wanted to do with our franchises and I remember sitting there, my son, jacob, was born in March and I was in Texas in June and so you know, very, very young Mackenzie was also. She was just 18 months older and I just became really aware that this was a calling for me and then I was meant to have more than one. So I came back into back to Canada, opened Curves in North Battleford, saskatchewan, where everyone thought I was crazy that no one would support a women's gym only and no one would support a gym that had a startup fee like an admin fee and that certainly not people in North Battleour would support with a diverse background, and I just ignored everybody, I just knew that this was meant to be, and so I opened it up and we had planned in our business plan. We had decided that we would have based on my research so there is a strategy right, based on my research, we would have 250, maybe 300 people in a year, because that's typically what happens in gyms and in Saskatchewan and we had 315 members in three weeks. And it was amazing.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:And because so there was a part of it was strategy. There was a way, we had a marketing strategy, there was a pre-launch and a launch, and you know, and once you're open strategy and I, for the first time ever, just listened I'm a bit of a rebel and so you know. So I was quite surprised that you know they would. This is what you need to do and I would do the thing. And so I started to see the benefit of thinking strategically and didn't realize that I actually have a knack to think strategically. And so, you know, I had that kind of, that kind of brain happening, brain power happening, and then a little bit of blind faith, not knowing that nothing else, that there was nothing else that was possible. And you know, I was blessed growing up in an alcoholic home. And I say blessed because it allowed me to go into Alateen at a young age and sort of really firm foundation in spirituality.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:And so I'm 30 years old, I'm, you know, two young kids, my husband works away, he's, you know, home for a week and gone for a week. I make this decision. I want want to build an empire, a legacy. We open up the curves and it's go time and we have our years. What we thought we're going to do in a year, we have it in three weeks and I feel like I'm on fire. And then my mom was there helping me with opening week and she wanted to support and she could see a business opportunity. And so we should totally, you know, get into business together and, um, and you know, buy a curves. And so we bought a second curves and so, you know, uh, I left home. This is part of the origin story. I left home when I was 16 and then I get into business with my parents, magically thinking all of the owies were gone because I was 30.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:Well, surprise, surprise, what an opportunity there was, an opportunity for me to totally embrace my core wounds and core fears Did you know it.
Sherisse Alexander:At the time, Like did you see? No, I went in.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:I went blindly, blindly went in. And about halfway through my career, there was this epic moment in my life where I realized that I was really sick. I was physically sick and I realized that I'd spent six years about five years working really, really hard to prove my value and my worthiness to my parents, and it caused burnout and your business in my.
Sherisse Alexander:While you guys are working together, you're like trying to show look at how awesome I am.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:I you know, we had our first million dollars in in in our sales. It was about probably 2004. So I'm backtracking a little bit where we had our first million dollars in sales and you know, we I celebrated, I was alone, the kids were at school. I got this phone call from my mom, who was the bookkeeper, you know, bring out the champagne. Because we knew what's going to happen was bring out the champagne. We, her and I, toast each other over the phone. I have a glass and I go into my uh, to a tub I love bathing and a custom made tub going to have a bath and I start to cry and I can't stop crying and I'm ugly crying, like I'm talking, like one of those you know, like every like liquid coming out of my face and I had this realization that I was working so hard for this thing called success that I was attached to money and I was miserable.
Sherisse Alexander:We hear it all the time Right.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:I was miserable, yeah. And so, as I said, I started to see to witness myself trying to prove my worthiness. So then I started to see to witness myself trying to prove my worthiness, and it took about two years for me to decide that I really wanted to integrate the direction of my spirituality into business. And there was tons of resistance Therese. It was not welcomed at all. Although my parents are spiritual in nature, you know, they had a plan, they had an expectation of how I was going to behave and all of a sudden I'm off track. There's Ranchelle doing her, you know woohoo thing.
Sherisse Alexander:Not only that, you're being a rebel. Stop it.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:And I'm being a rebel. I'm being a rebel, and you know so. I had an early opportunity in my career to know that I needed to integrate both for myself. However, I was closet woohoo until about 2017, 2018, where no one knew the depth of like I had been like. I was certified in Reiki and I was a current master in Reiki, and I did that for my own healing and some health challenges that my daughter was having when she was younger. I, you know, started studying things like the Course in Miracle and all Wayne Dyer stuff and all Bruce Lipton stuff, and I've always been an avid reader and never really talked about it with anybody until 2018, when I realized that there was an opportunity for me to bring both spirituality and strategy.
Sherisse Alexander:So then that tells me that when we met because it wouldn't have been much later after that that you and I would have met, so you were just for lack of putting it a better way you were literally just coming out of the woo closet.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:So you were just for lack of putting it a better way you were literally just coming out of the woo closet. Yes, I did an event in 2020 called the Sharp Woman event, so I co-hosted that with another woman and who was very strategic, linear, strategic I'm strategic, not linear and we the purpose of the event was to introduce foundational woo into corporate. So we had a corporate sponsor. We have any corporate sponsors and when I presented to the corporations, as I told them, I am closet, woohoo, I want to bring in the science of the woo so think joe's dispensa, bruce lipton, right, the science part of woo to mainstream and they said yes. So everyone's like no, they're never gonna, that's no, they're never going to. That's a bank they're never going to support. You know, a Wu event.
Sherisse Alexander:What do you call foundational? Wu Like for you, yeah.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:Yeah, great question. So foundational Wu is more of the science perspective, the concept of why do thoughts become things? What's the scientific, what's the neuroscience? Neuroscience, what's the quantum physics behind it versus, um, you know listening to and I love abraham next let's jump in the vortex. Let's just feel good, right yeah, you're making it digestible.
Sherisse Alexander:Yeah, you were making it really digestible, right? Because if you're not somebody who thinks in an abstract sense, you can't understand how you get this we download and how do we actually make that, bring that into the physical world. So you were making it digestible for analytical minds.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:Yes, yes, absolutely, and it was. It was so much fun to do that. And then it just kind of literally exploded from there. Because then when I was talking to people about marketing and there were, you know, things like I just like I hate facebook and this algorithm. And I'm like, well, you know, facebook isn't gonna, you know, show all of your. If you don't like facebook, it's an energy, yes. And then people are like, what are you talking about? And I'm like, so, then I would. Then I could really get into the energy stuff, the woohoo, and said to people, if so, you're building a marketing strategy, you're building a, you know, a funnel. Let's say, well, I am calling in a marketing vortex now, just for fun. And so you're building this.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:You know, strategic plan, what are all the things that you believe about your business and yourself and your clients and the economy? Um, this is huge. This is huge. Like someone told me the other day that it's gonna get really hard now because of what's happening in, um, you know, in the world of the economics and I keep myself oblivious to a lot of different things and I was like that's, that might be your version, your interpretation, your experience. I refuse to participate, agreed and stuff like that and that's and I've said that a lot, so I refuse to participate in. And my very strategic people are like, well, you can refuse to or not, but it's going to happen. I'm like not, to me it's not.
Sherisse Alexander:Agreed and I know that folks that are listening are like what do you mean? Economics, yeah, okay, yes, there's a global village of economics, nobody is disputing that. But I think really, what you're trying to say and I was very much the same way with mortgages I would say clients, turn off your TV, stop watching. Just stop watching it, because it's not. You're building anxiety with this and we attract what we. What you're putting out, is exactly what you're going to get. So I 100% understand that mindset and for me, it served me very well not steeping myself in all this fear mongering. And the world is coming to an end and markets are going to crash and it's going to be. Hey, it's cyclical, it's going to happen. What are you going to do about it? Are we going to sit here and wring our hands or we're going to do something different with the energy?
Ranchelle Van Bryce:so thank, you for saying that yeah, it's so true. I mean my partner rob, very strategic in nature, and he's like, how can you not know what's going on with the news? And I'm like, well, honey, you always do, I don't have to worry about it. That's always going to end, you will let me know. Thank you.
Sherisse Alexander:I love you and appreciate that everybody's going to let you know, because somebody's going to say, hey, did you? And you're never going to be too far behind. Because people will say, hey, did you see this? And like, oh sorry, I have my notifications off, I didn't what's going on, and now you're in the loop and you're never that far behind. So yeah, that's, that's very true. So you were saying that the SHARP event was your opportunity to bring in Woo in a way that was digestible for, we'll say, probably more hardcore, strategically minded folks, and it went off like a bang. So clearly people were ready to have this stuff presented to them in a way that was different for them to digest, but still accessible. So then what happens from?
Ranchelle Van Bryce:there, yes, and I think that what you're saying is I want to, I want to pause and just really share this in the world of marketing.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:I would say to people meet your client, your ideal client, your target audience, where they are, and take them where they need to go yep so an example would be at the event we set up the room, we had a feng shui expert come in and set up the room and so everything was strategically aligned for the kind of event that we wanted.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:Wepieces for a purpose, quotes for it, Like everything had a reason and attached a strategic component attached to it. And not once in any of the copy did I talk about the room is going to be feng shui and you're going to feel great. We had Reiki masters clearing the energy in every corner of the room. Not once did I say to everybody yeah, the reason you feel so good is because I have some really cool, very woohoo people who are in the corners doing Reiki symbols and chanting. And you know we had, we had musical instruments there for a reason, there for a reason, and so important you know to share that with people because you do not have to announce to the world what you're doing. You can just do it 100%.
Sherisse Alexander:You can just do it and it's like with full heart-centered intention right.
Sherisse Alexander:And you know, I'm very similar in some senses, like in my office environment, and I don't advertise these things. But there was one day that I was cleansing and my door's closed so it's not like anybody's coming in or anything, but of course they can smell it. And somebody had come into my office. They're like, were you just burning incense? Yes, guiltily, yes. But he and I think that things, people come into your life for a reason, season or lifetime, right. So when this person had come in and they're asking me if I was like cleansing or whatever the case, maybe, I was like, yeah, I was, and it was because he asked, he obviously had a familiarity with it and I said the energy felt stale. So I opened the window and I burned some Palo Santo, and quietly, because I didn't want to offend anybody. But energy can become very stagnant, right, you can feel it, sense it in an environment and get on you for intentionally aligning that event. So people said it wasn't offensive to anybody but still, at the end of the day it was obviously very successful.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:It was very and afterwards when people said I've never been to an event like this. This is like one of the day. It was obviously very successful. It was very and afterwards when people said I've never been to an event like this. This is like one of the most successful events. I was so comfortable. Like I, I usually drained at the end of the day and yeah, that's my woo, and then I would explain to people, right, so that they had an understanding. The difference, I think truly sharice, is that they experienced it first.
Sherisse Alexander:Yeah, it was very visceral and once you experienced it, you can't. You said it yourself it was different.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:So yeah, yeah, right. And even you know, when I work with people and they'll come to me for marketing and we can hammer out a great strategic plan in a very short period of time, and then it's all mindset and spirituality and the energy behind and, and so a lot of what I do is is harmonize both that, so the both masculine, divine masculine, divine feminine.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:So my experience with curves was I was in a masculine energy divine, masculine and I was achievement oriented and I'm hunting and I'm killing and I'm, you know, pulling the trigger and like, yeah, all of those, and then the divine feminine is the creation, the manifestation, the dreaming, the visualizing, the envisioning, the sending Also the surrender, also the surrender pace, right, right, having a little bit of blind faith yes, absolutely, and so then we can have that harmony between the two which is a great segue into my next question, which is so in this particular example where, uh, you know it's corporate energy and the assumption would be that there'd be some resistance to how do we bring faith and some more divine, feminine energy into a corporate environment.
Sherisse Alexander:So, but now that folks have had the experience, did you still face some resistance? Because now you know you're using the event or you have the event as kind of a catalyst to springboard into coaching clients and even within that. So when you make that transition from okay, you've had this experience, but now, if you want more, here's how you can have more of that Was there still some resistance? And then how do you begin to merge that so people can actually understand and connect, like what that trends with the balances really within that Beautiful question?
Ranchelle Van Bryce:So I certainly I think one of my experiences was that there was something really intriguing I'll even use the word that, the words that were shared with me charismatic about the way that I was presenting and I just had a very clear intention of what I wanted. So we'll stick with the event that day to look like. And so then people were intrigued, and more than anything intrigued. And then as we started to talk and they realized that I, you know and this is kind of funny you know that I wasn't burning incense and I wasn't chanting and I didn't bring drums out and I didn't have my, you know all of the things that I actually have, you know, near me and in my desk, that I wasn't bringing that to them until they were ready, mm-hmm. And I think one of my gifts is my ability to take something very complex and and bring it into bite-size, digestible that's the word that you use pieces and meet people where they're at. So if I had somebody who really did have had zero faith, then I didn't talk about spirituality. I brought in quantum physics, I brought in Joe Dispenza's work, Bruce Lipton's work, Greg Braden's work, which is more scientifically based.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:If someone had faith and they were raised in a certain religion, then I would bring more God words into it, more spirituality, and trying to assist the person to let go of the conditioning of institutions and embrace more of a spiritual version of what I see God's role is in our businesses. I'll use that. But now, whether we use God, Allah, Buddha, higher power, creator, divine intelligence, whatever word we use, and so it's again you know, and I'm going to bring business into it from a business perspective, it's meeting people where they're at. Not once and I think this is a key not once did I try to convince anybody that I was correct. I allowed people to have their beliefs and might point out how that belief was leading to a certain outcome, and but if they were comfortable with that belief and they wanted that belief, then cool, Like who am I to say that that's incorrect? That's a wrong way of thinking, and so I think because of that as well, people became really comfortable with me very quickly.
Sherisse Alexander:That's something that I still struggle with myself and it reminds me of something that you had when you and I worked together a couple years ago. It was, it was a question that you posed and it was around the need to be right, yes, right, and I was reminded of this literally two days ago. Yeah, I was, um, I was actually asking for I was putting out there needing some guidance, but something work related. I'm like gosh, I'm really struggling, for I was putting out there needing some guidance, but something work related. And I'm like gosh, I'm really struggling here. Like I'm, I'm really struggling in in how to go with, how to, how to sort through this.
Sherisse Alexander:And I tossed an Oracle card and it literally had said like maybe you need to give up the right, like that energy of needing to prove a point and be right, just be right, just be right. You, and maybe stop using the verbiage and this is often what I say to people when I'm talking to them anyways is like I don't love the verbiage of right and wrong, because then it absolutely reinforces the idea of I need to be right in this. Maybe let's embody more of in alignment with me, cause, like you just said, how do I know what's in alignment with you and your purpose and where you feel like you need to be on this journey and and it's so individual, right.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:So 100%, 100% and yes, and so I have one of my mentors said in general so he isn't speaking in generalities we either need to be right or need to not be wrong, and we can switch. Look and observe that there is someone who needs to be right and another person that maybe needs to be right or not be wrong and therefore conflict.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:You know surfaces and if we move into what, if there was no right and there was no wrong and there was just an experience, there might be a point of view. I love people and say, well, this is, these are the facts. I'm like, those are your facts and I honor your facts. That might not be my fact and people can struggle with that, but it's there, it's written down, yes, and I can find just as much proof that that is not a truth or non-existence that you can. And so I think one of the and I think another reason why the world has so much conflict is people are speaking to be understood versus seeking to understand someone else's point of view.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:And again it goes to the need to be right or the need to not be wrong. And can you, just, you know, allow yourself to be wrong all day long? And not justify, you know, not justify the behavior.
Sherisse Alexander:That's a tough one, it's very tough For many, myself included, and, like I said, I witnessed it and I love when it's presented to me. My Oracle cards have been on fire.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:I know you're talking about the oracle cards, and so part of what we can, we can merge with spirituality and strategy. I'm going to give you a great example, so thank you for this is I am currently developing a program called umy, and it's the Sustainable Path to Success, is what it's called, and it's the premise is I can teach everybody everything I know about marketing in 12 weeks, and I've been in this world, you know, since a very, very long time and it was my world before curves, and so I can teach that. And then I want to offer 12 months support, and so I'm, so I'm very strategic. I'm working on the website, I'm working on copy. I'm you know what's the headline, what's the sub headline, what's the hook, what words need to be bolded, what's the price All like, what's the email sequence, what are the ads going to look? So all of that, and I start. You know I'm on fire and I've got pages. Oh shit, I know that your audience can't see that. That's my note for that. I'm like pages and pages of notes.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:Then I either will use my body as a way of means to say you know what's the truth in this, the right or wrong, the right way, the wrong way, again, right or wrong, but I might use a pendulum, I might use Oracle cards or muscle testing, and then I tap into source and I'm like, okay, these are all of the headlines that I think out of 10, which one should I be using now? So, truth, this headline, this headline, this headline, this. So truth, what should I charge? Truth, how many? How long should I be doing this? You know, so I always start with truth. What does the? So I asked the, I asked God's divine source, and so I might have all the ideas and my brain, my strategic brain, can put it all together, but then I hand it over to source. Yeah, and so, because I don't believe in my world of coaching and consulting.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:One of the things I hear over and over again drives me crazy is charge what you're worth, and if you believe that you have, if you believe you have worth self-worth and you're confident, you're going to charge more. And if you're not charging more, it's because you're worth. And if you believe that you have, if you believe you have worth self-worth and you're confident, you're going to charge more. And if you're not charging more, it's because you're not confident. Charge what you're worth, and I get, really, I get very like on my soapbox about that. I don't think any one of us can charge, quote, unquote what we're worth number one, number two, number two. Why do I want to continue? The conditioning of money and worthiness are connected Like that's just. That's insane. And why am I trying to think that I need to decide what to charge? Tap into the universal law of infinite supply and you know, uh, higher power, spirit, is the provider of all. Then why would I not ask?
Sherisse Alexander:where the idea came from.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:Yeah, ask source how long the program should be. What should I be charging? How many people should I invite? Who's my specific target, like audience? Yeah that's how I look. That's a really great tangible example of how I marry those two things in my business. All the time I don't make decisions, I get ideas, I write stuff down, I check in.
Sherisse Alexander:I love it and I, you know I've definitely been trying to lean into that more myself personally. Just, and even if I'm not actively leaning into it, it'll be like we'll be talking about numbers and this is how I always get validation right and it'll be like we'll be having a conversation, just like I think the commercial should be here dah, dah, dah, dah dah, and I'll toss out a number. I'm like I think it's going to land here. I'll be like no, no, no, no, no and all the masculine energy reasons why it's not going to land there, and then we'll do this huge round robin and it'll just eventually land exactly where I said it would land. So maybe if we'd gone there first, we would have avoided the 90 days or 120 days of conversation around that. But that's okay, because I don't need to prove that I'm right and I'm not.
Sherisse Alexander:I'm personally rarely in the energy of like I'm not okay with being wrong. I'm very okay with being wrong and I don't feel, always feel like I need to be right. So, and I think for those who might be listening and they're like, what we're talking about is really using your gut instinct, right? That's really what we're talking about, paying attention to it Like, if you wanted to like drill it all down and make it really simple. It's your gut instinct and, ranchelle, you're talking about many ways to get there, all of which I've used right my body, putting it out there, seeing what comes in, what do I feel good about, what do I hear, or what ideas come in that really seem to be right, and just leaning on that, and sometimes you'll get it right and I don't actually think that it's ever wrong.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:Sometimes you need to go Exactly. The language is very limiting, yeah, because?
Sherisse Alexander:I don't ever think that it's actually wrong. Sometimes you need to go in, because we live in a world of relativity. So, as someone posed the other day, how can you know what joy feels like if you don't know what sorrow feels like? How can you know and recognize the light if you don't experience the dark? So sometimes we have to go in a direction that doesn't feel amazing, so that we can also learn what we want to bring more of, or what is alignment, and really actually also maybe even be reminded of gratitude in that whole experience.
Sherisse Alexander:So I'm learning how to wrap my arms around all of it and have genuine gratitude for the pieces I really enjoy and even the ones that I don't enjoy so much. And I think that once you can get your place yourself into that place in space, then you can really surrender. And that doesn't mean just being as some some people think, and I want you to speak on this, because I think sometimes, when we use the word surrender, that people think that means just throwing your hands up and being like, okay, universe, just do with me as you will bat me around life. What does surrender actually mean in business?
Ranchelle Van Bryce:yeah, oh, great question. Um, you know, if we, if we, you know, tap into the energy of surrender for ourselves? You know, and you know, I remember the first time I was asked to surrender, and by divine, and so I was in a, you know, I had this like I heard. It was one of the first times I I heard a voice, in the sense of I sense a voice. So it's really interesting how I received different messages and so I heard this surrender and immediately my brain went to I can't give up. And I had this image of a war and soldiers, white flag, surrender, taken to prison, and I realized how difficult the English language can be and the meaning that we give different things, and so I started to well, what else could surrender be? Surrender could be. You know, I'm letting go of my expectation of the outcome. Surrender is I'm swimming upstream, uphill, fighting every battle by myself. And what if I just just surrendered into? Does it really have to be a battle?
Ranchelle Van Bryce:yeah what would happen if, like, what else could happen? How else can I look at this? Uh, surrender for me is surrendering my intellect, my brain pan, and letting go of the need to figure stuff out. That has been definitely a theme the last three years. I need to figure stuff out. That's the strategy. Right, yeah, strategic side. Our brains are designed to figure out. Our brains actually pride me are designed to see the absence of something to solve a problem yeah uh, then we're to surrender.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:So here's business life. Then we're to surrender to. Well, we could use, like, the quantum field, we could go to science. Yeah, we surrender to. I don't have to figure it out. In fact, I cannot figure it out. In fact I cannot figure it out with the same brain that created the said challenge. I'm going to surrender and say, hey, so mine would be more spiritual. Hey, big guy, this is how I talk. Hey, big guy, I note here that I have this really kind of heavy problem, and so I obviously created the problem. So I need you to show me the truth in it. I need you to show me another way through this. I need you to help me explore what part of me is standing in my way and so then I surrender, trying to figure it out, and I allow.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:So surrender to me is an allowance of the receiving of the message in any way, shape or form.
Sherisse Alexander:Yeah, I love that, and you know it's such an abstract way to and the difficulty, because I remember when you're using these words like surrender, and you immediately have that idea, that visual that you gave up, and that's why you're so bang on when you say the English language is really tricky because it's not the word so much as the energy. Right, and if you can feel into energy then you understand. It's how do you shift the energy around, how you are approaching the situation, and so to me, surrender means really just being open to the situation being resolved in a way that I can't see, because we like to know the outcome. We like to say, okay, I want outcome A, and I do believe that the universe gives you exactly what you asked for, so you're going to get it.
Sherisse Alexander:If you believe that, then you will get it, but we have already planned in our mind all of the steps that it's actually going to take to get there, and that's not how the divine works. The divine is always trying to bring it to you in the best and highest good for all those involved, and so it's not necessarily going to unfold as fast as you want it or exactly in the way that you want it, so it's. Am I willing to give up how I'm getting from point A to point B for that desired? And you're right, sometimes the outcome is not exactly what you envision because, again, if you're a manifesting master, sometimes we're not clear on the verbiage.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:So right and even things like. I'll give you a great example of last. So last year, last year year, yes, last year, 2023, the beginning of the year I made a decision that I wanted to travel more. I wanted a bit more of a lifestyle. I work from my home and so I would do that, so I can work anywhere in the world, and I decided I really wanted to experience more tropical in the winter, so I so I wanted to. I wanted to either have a place in Mexico or Costa Rica. I wanted to go to Hawaii, and so I ended up creating, manifesting so this co-creation.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:My father having some weird medical challenge emergency in last summer, so last July, my parents needed extra support, and I am the only person who could offer it in the way that, because I work from home. So I moved in with my parents part time and lived with them in Edmonton and Red Deer, which is where I reside, and lived with them in Edmonton and Red Deer, which is where I reside, and they live in Mexico in the winter, and they needed someone literally Charisse, literally to carry their bags. They were both in a wheelchair at the time, limited mobility carry their bags, get them ready for Christmas, help them shop. You know all of the things, and so I did that. So I left with them beginning December. I was there for two and a half weeks.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:My other sister went there for January. They thought they were going to be okay in February. They needed a bit more, you know assistance. So they asked if I would come in March. I said sure. My dad says can you come at the end of March? Absolutely, you just book. Book the ticket. Tell me when he messages me the next day and said oh, by the way, uh, I had you booked on a ticket in march the 18th and or march 12th, and we weren't leaving till april 18th. So then I have another five weeks in mexico yeah right, um, I went and did a retreat in hawaii.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:I'm sharing this because most people would reverse engineer yes, right, so there's that masculine energy. Yeah, uh, reverse engineer how many new clients to somebody like, yes, is that like, how much more revenue? So, and the the funniest thing is that my revenue was that've ever had in my whole entire career as a coach.
Sherisse Alexander:Yes.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:Since 2011. Yeah, all time low. And I was traveling. I was living in Mexico and I share this with people, because if I would have made the decision that the only way I could get to Mexico or the only way to go to Hawaii was if I was making X amount of dollars, I would have limited my experience.
Sherisse Alexander:You block your blessings, you effectively are blocking it. That's why, and that's where the surrender comes in, right.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:And that's where the surrender comes in.
Sherisse Alexander:Because you just put it out, that's what you want, that's my intention. And if we don't get so caught up on every single step of what that looks like, because who cares? Like, really, if I want to spend six months in a warm climate, now you might want to put some parameters on that so that and I say to people and like you guys yeah you gotta balance it with, like, putting a full box around it, like what are the core pieces that you want within that and then like what are you willing to let go?
Sherisse Alexander:So in this particular scenario and it's a great example, because you're obviously okay with hanging out with your parents you didn't put a timeframe on it, you just said winter, yes, right. Um, in beautiful places, right. So you weren't, so you were surrendering how it looked, but you knew what the outcome was that you wanted, and so you got exactly what you asked for.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:Absolutely, absolutely, and within that gift of the lowest revenue, because that really I mean it certainly. I don't want to pretend to anyone that there wasn't moments of complete and utter I'm not sure what's going on, because I was. I really didn't know what was going on. The surrender part in that was we still need to take action. So surrender doesn't mean I'm going to sit and just meditate and hope. Surrenders not hope, and so what I did? There's a couple of things. So the first one, I faced something that was hard for me to face and the question I asked was perhaps, maybe, my time of being self-employed. I've been self-employed since I was 30 years old. I'll be 56 this year. Maybe that's come to a close.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:So, that was the first question. The second question was maybe I'm not supposed to be coaching the way that I'm coaching, so maybe I'm never off track, but I was looking for an opportunity of if I'm going in the wrong direction. I really need you to tell me. So the first question I asked was uh, am I supposed to go and and actually apply and get a job, which to me was the most I mean, that was the most devastating thing I could ever do? Yes, it is like I'm just being completely transparent with people and it's like going to jail is what it yeah that would feel like I was going to jail, but I was willing to, yeah do right to do what.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:What was I was being called to do? I wasn't being punished.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:I knew I was being called yeah and so the first thing I and so I said I need a clear sign. I don't do hints, I don't do perhaps is I need a clear sign that I'm to stay, that I'm on the right track. I just need to make adjustments. So I need clear sign, clear sign, god, clear sign. And that's what I was like. I need clear sign, clear sign, god, clear sign. And that's why we're like clear sign, clear sign, clear sign. I went in to go have a bath. I love, I love water. I went to go have a bath. I was in edmonton, at my mom and dad's. They have a a little like real pool tub. I pour myself a bath and I go onto youtube because I'm going to listen to meditation and up pops something I've never seen before, a person I've never heard of before, and it literally said this is your sign. Okay, thank you, universe, I'm listening.
Sherisse Alexander:I knew then Okay, I'm not supposed to go get a job Excellent.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:So then the next question was Okay, I'm not supposed to go get a job, excellent. So then the next question was if I'm on the incorrect path and I need to be on a different path, I need you to make it so apparent, so apparent to me that I'm on the wrong path, because a lack of revenue does not necessarily mean a wrong path. An absence of something is just an absence of something an opportunity to grab our attention. And one way to really grab Ranchal's attention is through the energy of money.
Sherisse Alexander:Yeah.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:For most people.
Sherisse Alexander:Yeah, actually for most people, for sure.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:And so then I asked if I needed to be on a different path. So am I on the right path, or do I need to be on a different path? So am I on the right path or do I need to be in a different path? And it became very clear that I had taken not a wrong turn or a u-turn or a, that I had gone down a path, an opportunity to learn, an opportunity to reveal, an opportunity to understand and see more of the truth of who I am. And I had swung the pendulum over, way over to more spirituality, so more who of the woohoo, and I left my strategic side, I, I, I stopped embracing, I, I stopped that part of myself.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:So balance, balance so so that it was like, oh, balance. And so then I was like, okay, what does what does balance look like? What does harmony look like? And it was. It was like why am I not talking about that in about probably 2022. And so it took. It took a while for right for me to have all the experiences I was to have, for me to go what's going on what's going on, and, and, and? How do I balance divine masculine and divine feminine?
Sherisse Alexander:I want you to say that one more time, because I thought that was a juicy nugget. You said the lack of something is simply presenting itself or inviting you to.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:How did you phrase it the lack of something is inviting you to.
Sherisse Alexander:I mean, it sends you really on an inquiry, right? It's really what it does, yeah, right.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:Yeah, so the lack or absence of something doesn't have to mean anything other than it brings you to an awareness of Something needs to shift. Something needs to shift within you. So I wasn't doing anything wrong, it was just. You know, it's like the absence, and one of my favorite sayings I'm sorry, I can't remember who it's from, but the absence of evidence is an evidence of it being absent.
Sherisse Alexander:The absence of evidence is evidence of it being absent.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:Yeah, that's actually a great way to put it Right and so you can look at something and go I'm missing. So okay, revenue. There's an absence of revenue. So many people will think I'm doing something wrong. Facebook's not working, marketing's not working, sales isn't working, people aren't buying. All of a sudden they go into this huge story. And what if it was just an awareness of oh, I have this absence of cashflow, because everything is created as a whole. That means that the, the presence of cashflow is also here. I just can't see it with my five senses, because I'm trying often we're trying to think our way through things.
Sherisse Alexander:Yes.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:Right. So there's no if. If the absence of cashflow is nothing more than, hey, we have an absence of cashflow and that's all it is, and there's no story, Right, Then we can go oh, that's interesting, it's an absence of cashflow. So what do I need to change? What do I need to look at differently? Who do I need to be? What thoughts do I need? What stories, what belief system do I need so that I can then see this through a different lens, not my five senses through a different lens?
Sherisse Alexander:So this was this year. So if we, if we recap that, then right. So you put out there I want to spend more time in warm climates in the winter. You're having the the lowest revenue generating from coaching that you've had in over 10 years. So you then go and say to the divine okay, send me a sign. You get your sign like within minutes, practically.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:Yeah.
Sherisse Alexander:And then you say, okay, great, then am I on the wrong path. So how did you so? Then that was. Then we'll say, divine intelligence Cause. Then you had a realization a light bulb goes off. It's like, wait a minute, here's what's changed in the last two years, and that's actually, if you think about it, it took two years to get to this realization. So I wonder then, were there indicators along the way that you were like, but I guess this was, it didn't need to happen until this point in time, right? The?
Ranchelle Van Bryce:is this other thing. So my father ends up, you know, having a massive coronary because there was an accident and his artery is punctured. He ends up somewhat paralyzed at first and he has a do not resuscitate in place that they can't find or see. My dad is alive because of they didn't couldn't find it extremely grateful yeah so there's. There's no such thing as coincidence, there's no such things as accidents, or there's all this synchronicity yes so, all of a sudden, I'm able to spend time, you know, with my parents.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:now I could look at that through a linear fashion, right, and I could look at that through a linear fashion, right. And I could look at that and go, oh, I took my eye off the marketing ball. I stopped doing all the things to create success in my business, all true. And so the consequence of that, of course, was I didn't have anybody at the top of my funnel, and all of that is true was I didn't have anybody at the top of my funnel, and all of that is true. And there was so much more for me, opportunities for me, the juiciness of life, the opportunity for me to really pull back, and it was a time that I was able to mend relationship with my parents. It was a time for me to mend relationships with other people.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:Then, when I came back, I, what do I need to do, like, what am I not doing? What, like, what do I need to do differently? And I was like, ooh, look at that. All the things that that create business success. I stopped doing and I laughed. I'm like, how does somebody who knows marketing, who knows sales, like I, breathe building business, I breathe marketing. I breathe sales. How does someone go off track? Well, the answer is I didn't. I was meant to take that path yes, so I can come back and go yeah oh, oh.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:These are the things that one needs to do, and if we don't do these things, then business doesn't happen that's why I always say I don't love when people are like I made a wrong decision.
Sherisse Alexander:Well, did you?
Ranchelle Van Bryce:Yeah, there's no such thing.
Sherisse Alexander:Did you Like, were you and, as you've just like, look at all of the I don't really want to say value, but look at all that came from just this journey that you took just a little sidebar maybe, and what came from that, and the gratitude for the isness of what is. And I love when you say that, the gratitude of the isness of what is, because look at all the beautiful things that actually came from this slight little I don't even want to call it a detour, I think it's just part of the journey.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:Words are hard when you accept when, and when you accept the isness of of everything and you don't look at it like it's good or bad, or right or wrong, and you and you just allow yourself with, allow yourself the freedom to feel the gratitude.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:Also, though, um, cherise, you know, I think, one of my experiences in the winter so this is probably February yeah, it was before I went back to Mexico. I continued to drive back and forth between Edmonton and Red Deer, even though I didn't need to, and I needed an opportunity to do some healing, and I was very blessed that I was able to stay at my parents' house, do some healing. And I was very, very blessed that I was able to stay at my parents' house, and I was with and with Rob, who, you know, although he had no clue I mean no clue in the sense of he did not understand my need to be on my own, but allowed me the opportunity to do that, and you know so I was going through a really it's never a dark night of the soul, but I think I'll use that language I was going through something really heavy, that the energy was heavy.
Sherisse Alexander:And.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:I all of my, always all of my core wounds and core fears once again came to the surface. My self-worth, my self-value, my confidence, my self-worth, my self-value, my confidence, my self-esteem. And I had this awareness that I still, although I didn't think I had, I still had this connection to more money, more value, and. And then I got to experience. How does one have self-confidence and self-esteem? How does one coach somebody in business when they're at their lowest point of revenue ever?
Ranchelle Van Bryce:And it was, you know, I'd love to say I went through it gracefully. There was days that it was graceful and days where I was yelling at. So I, you know, I, I'd love to say I went through it gracefully. There was days that it was graceful and days where I was yelling at. So I, you know, for me it's god. I was yelling at, god, you know, angry with god, you know, and and then, and then I was like wow, isn't that cool. I'm in this total victim state. It's not god's fault that I'm, I'm here, right, like and and it's no one's fault that I'm here, and it's no one's fault that I'm here, and really it's what you manifested.
Sherisse Alexander:It's what you created.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:Absolutely For a purpose and for a reason. And now I know I mean I really am a firm believer that this new program that I'm launching would not have happened. I know it wouldn't have happened unless I went through all of the things that I went through, and so I'm just grateful.
Sherisse Alexander:And I love that you tell that story right, because I mean you and I talked last week and I said to you on that call and I'll say to you again today that I finally now understand what you mean when you said, like really have gratitude for the things that you don't, that don't feel good, which is really tough for people to lean into right, because what do we do when things come up that we don't really love we?
Sherisse Alexander:What's the response there? There are official responses, but we almost always avoid the lean in, the wrapping your arms around it, because it's like, it's like being I love the um, the verbiage that you use around, being in that storm, lack of putting it better and I have a visualization, my on my own, about what that looks like. But it's just chaos, like you can't see, like you can't, you can't make sense of anything, you don't know if it's up, down, right, left, like it just feels like chaos. And those are always the beautiful moments to like surrender because you can't. It's for a reason, I think it's to actually come up so that you are forced to, because you don't have a choice.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:You don't have a choice. Yeah, and how many times we try to avoid our feelings, like we feel bad, so we're going to either numb. We're going to numb with alcohol or drugs or scroll through our phone, or we go to exercise to change our state, but really, what we're just that's which is great and that just sometimes we're just numbing ourselves, so we don't allow ourselves to feel, because we actually don't know as a human species. A lot of people don't know how to self soothe, and so we're trying to constantly. I'm going to avoid conflict. I'm going to avoid pain. I'm going to avoid the argument. I'm going to avoid this pain. I'm going to avoid a lack of self confidence. I'm going to avoid a lack of self esteem. I'm going to avoid, um, disliking my body. I'm going to avoid and and and. Instead I'm going to like, pretend everything's okay and I'm going to go do this thing, and I'm going to go do this thing, and then one day you wake up and you actually can't avoid it any longer. There's no way to avoid the amount of pain that you're in, and that's when you surrender.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:It's like okay, I feel like a big pile of shit. Yeah, I the, I, I. I have this lack of self-esteem and this lack of self-confidence and a lack of health and a lack of finances and a lack of love. I have all of this absence of stuff and I need to just feel like shit. I just need to feel bad. So to feel bad about what I'm doing and where I'm at in my life and let me feel the fear. And that's what I ask God to do, like show me where the fear is coming from and then allow me the opportunity to feel the fear, allow me to cry, allow me to scream, you know, allow me to throw things, allow me to want to throw, punch things, and people allow, and then I could surrender. And it was this beautiful at the end of the storm, truly, you know you're walking out of the storm and then it's sunshine. It's like, oh okay, I feel so much better because I'm not storing that yeah in my body as well.
Sherisse Alexander:I love that. I love it so much because I've been so. I've recently started um actually taking what you're talking about right, cause we all feel these things in our body and I don't know where we got the idea. So it's great that we're having more awareness around um not storing it and talking through it and processing it and so on and so forth, but I don't know where the idea actually came from that it was good to hold on to all that ick in your body. I think that's actually why there's a health crisis right now, because we've done so many eon centuries, generations of thinking, not talking about it is how you actually get through it.
Sherisse Alexander:And I don't know how many times I say to people in my experience like holding on to is how you actually get through it. And I I don't know how many times I say to people in my experience like holding onto that shit is what makes you sick. It doesn't matter how how much you exercise, how well you eat, so on and so forth, and the awareness that holding onto it. So what do I ask for? Show me what I'm holding onto Right. And I use my body like you talked about. I use my body to guide where there's.
Sherisse Alexander:I had an, so there was an awareness. Today I'm like you know what? I haven't had an eczema issue in 18 months and I was fighting eczema for years and I would look it up in my my louise hay book and I'm like I don't understand what you're saying to me, like I I see what you're you're me is antagonistic thoughts and I was like I don't know what antagonistic thoughts you think I'm having right now. But as soon as I actually did that inquiry and started asking questions like better questions, eczema totally under control. Haven't had a flare in like nine months.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:Yeah, yeah, it's amazing how that, how that works, and, and you know, and, and we can, we really want to transmute, you know, transmute the thoughts, the feelings, the pain, and so, you know, when I'm frustrated, um, you know I'll go, I'll go outside, uh, and I'll actually stop my feet, like this is not going to stop me, it doesn't matter. So I, you know, I was working on the website today and I was having a, you know, a challenge with trying to line things up and I was getting frustrated. I was getting frustrated and I was trying to figure it out. I'm like, okay, I'm not going to figure it out, I'm going to go downstairs and I'm going to go in the grass, I'm literally going to stop my feet and I'm like this is not going to stop me and this is just bullshit, and other people can figure this out.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:And I said I'm smart and I'm intelligent and you know, and kind of like F-bombed. And then I went back in and I felt great because I let go of that energy in my body and I'm like, okay, now I can do this. I sat down and like, oh yeah, I was missing this, like little button here, you know, and so we can do that. Like I refuse to be stopped by something like Kajabi, right, which is the software program that I've been using, and it's not Kajabi that's stopping me. It's my belief that I can't figure stuff out. I can figure anything out.
Sherisse Alexander:I'm smart. Yes, absolutely.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:And I have connection, like all of us connection to divine source. I mean really truly, I don't think we ever figure stuff out, and if we do, then it kind of leads to someplace. Maybe we don't necessarily want to go because we're trying to figure stuff out. Let's start.
Sherisse Alexander:If we all just like, stop trying to figure shit out, sorry, we just stop trying to stop trying to figure stuff out, we would be so much further ahead yeah nothing to figure out, just surrender, just like what's next but you know, I think there's, and thanks for that, because that was actually my next question is like, what's a strategy that you can that you use with your clients that helps them start to ease into? Because it's practice, right, like it's, and that's really what many things in spirituality are about. It's practice, it's building that confidence. Because you don't trust it at first you, you question every step of the way Like did I, did I feel that right? Did I sense it right? And I think that's every step of the way like did I, did I feel that right? Did I sense it right? And I think that's why all of the self-care piece is like so important, right, and you and I had talked about this right, because, remember, I'd be traveling back and forth and I would be, and I knew what it was. I would say to you I'm like I know that it's like really important for me to like do these things. And so now it's like without fail, because if I don't do those things, it's almost like you know, if you think about going to the dentist, if you don't go to the dentist, you get like plaque buildup and your teeth don't. I went to the dentist today. That's why I'm using it as an example.
Sherisse Alexander:But the point that I'm getting at is like it's a buildup of all this stuff and stagnant energy and if you don't do the self-care pieces then you don't get. It's not that you can't, it's that it's bogged down, it's heavy, like there's a lot of interference between your receptor and source because they're trying, they're always talking to us. It's that we're heavy with a lot of energy and stuff that's not moving. So great example on like again how you balance the strategy and you were actually doing in the building of this website. You were frustrated and you went and transmuted the energy so that you could come back to it. And that's again how I think people sometimes get confused with how you can really blend the two and not doesn't always have to be woo. There's a super simple way to like move the energy from frustration to productivity absolutely, absolutely.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:And the other piece is I mean, if we stop trying to use our mind to figure stuff out, but we utilize our intelligence, our brain pan, as my kids call it, to assess. So I'm assessing that I'm frustrated, or I'm assessing that I'm angry or I'm whatever, and so then we can look at okay, I'm angry, and so what's the reason, the story that I'm telling myself that I'm angry or frustrated or upset I'm giving that a meaning and what meaning am I giving it? I'm giving that meaning meaning and what meaning am I giving it? I'm giving that meaning because I have a belief system. Well, what belief system do I have to have to get that meaning and can I actually give it a different meaning?
Ranchelle Van Bryce:And lots of times I suggest people just to make stuff up. So I'll give an example. Is you know, we are in a relationship with somebody, and it doesn't have to be a love relationship, but we text them and then they don't text. They don't text back, and so then people get upset. Well, they didn't text me back. Okay, they didn't text you back. What meaning are you giving them?
Ranchelle Van Bryce:yeah they didn't text me back. No, no, that's just context. That's like with there was, if there was no spice to it, would be like they didn't text you back it'll be like robotic. They didn't text me back. It would be like robotic.
Sherisse Alexander:They didn't text me back. That's it. It's just a statement of what happened. They did not text me back. But if we added more to that, they did not text me back in the timeframe that I had an expectation around, right.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:Exactly. And then what does that mean? Well, that means that I'm not important, it means that they're too busy for me, it means that they don't love me, it means that I and then they just go off. And so then it's like well, what else could it mean? And then, well, I don't know. And I'm like well, what if that person was kidnapped by bandits or aliens, or lost their phone, or they forgot?
Sherisse Alexander:how to text. What if they had? How to text what if they had? You know what if um do you have? Do you see how? And here's the word you always use insidious. Do you see how insidious the ego is? Why did you just all of a sudden make that about you?
Ranchelle Van Bryce:yeah, exactly, and we do that all the time. We, we make up stuff all the time and so we can. So, because we can make it up all the time, we can make it up in a fun, that's true. Oh, the dragon must have took it, the fairies must have taken the phone and hid it away, so we can have fun with it. And I say that to make light of it, so we can laugh and so we can see how. I say that to make light of it, so we can laugh and so we can see how. Because that's just as quote unquote. Ridiculous is as to think that because someone doesn't text us back, they don't love us. Like those are like those are not one in the same, but so many people put them together.
Sherisse Alexander:Yeah, and you know, good reminder on that, because like it's so easy when you're looking at it outside of being in the situation, because you know you'll be having a conversation with somebody and they'll say exactly that I texted so-and-so and they did not text me back in like 20 minutes and I'm like so, like at what point did you think Like it's only because we have technology like read receipts, because back in the day if you called somebody on their answer, sorry forget even answering machines.
Sherisse Alexander:If you called somebody and they didn't answer their phone, you would not immediately go to they don't love me and they didn't answer the phone, so it's nuts. And even if you had a conversation with somebody afterwards and told them all the things that you were thinking, they would look at you and be like how did you get that for me not responding to a text message in like a day? Yeah, right, yeah.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:And I always use that one, because it's one of the things that will, that will you know it will cook me up in my relationship with Rob Right.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:And so it triggers me and so that's why I use that lots, because it's like it's what's one of the things that I, that I work on in the day we're talking, and he said, um, it could it not be about you? Like that was his. Could this not actually be about you? Could you not make this about you? And I'm like, fine, then I laugh right. It's like, because how many times do we do that we make something that's a thing about us when it's not?
Sherisse Alexander:it's really not, and you know I love talking to you, so I know that you're absolutely going to. You're going to, we're going to do this again. But just in wrapping up, because we were talking about the mind, so how do you, you know, with your coaching clients, what are some strategies that you help them to just really calm and center it? And probably because I'm just now reading a book about meditation and being really mindful but so how do you get people to maybe bring that into their day? Like, how do we either start the day or even when things get really heightened throughout the day, how can we just take a moment and like, be mindful and maybe, maybe even just calm and center ourselves so we can get through the day? You talked about transmuting the energy. How do we wrap that up, then, with some mindfulness?
Ranchelle Van Bryce:I think the first, um really what's most important I'm seeing this more and more is that we don't start our day scrolling on the phone yeah, um. So if we look at the actual addiction of our cell phone in the dopamine and the, the different hits that we get and so I'm not a scientist uh, dopamine is one of the major ones, and every time we scroll we're being fed, uh, some sort of feel-good hormone yeah and so we start our day in an addictive state, and so then, when we go to all through the day, you'll notice this people are sitting in a bus and they're scrolling.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:They're at a restaurant with somebody and they're scrolling, they're. They're stopped at a light and they're scrolling, like that it's. We have a, we have an epidemic, and so if we could just not start our day by scrolling, that's the, that's a fantastic place. Then, if you can start by whether you do a two minute meditation, a five meditation or just simple breath work, right, so I have french press coffee in the morning I love that because it takes time and it allows me to do breath work.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:Sometimes I'll just do regular breath work, sometimes I'll do breath of fire, sometimes I'll do the wim hofman method and and start, and start the day and that's really was a tough one.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:I, for my, that is a real, real tough one yeah, it's a real tough one, yeah, and so I actually have to leave my phone out of the room. Yeah, I, it is such a, it's such a challenge for, and part of that is my neurodivergent brain. So for those what I mean by that is for those of you who have ADHD or ADD tendencies it really is a struggle for us because we're looking for that dopamine hit and the scrolling on a phone is the fastest way to get that. So if we leave it in a different room, do the breath work or journal or do Oracle cards or meditate or go for a quick walk, go ground yourself. There's tons of grounding methods out there and we don't. You know it doesn't have to be for an hour, like five minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, whatever that looks like. Maybe have a half an hour, fantastic.
Sherisse Alexander:Yeah.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:Right. Set the intention for the day. What is the actual whether it's called a goal or an intention set. What do you want your day to feel like? What do you want your data feel like? What do you want it to look like? Maybe even run through a couple scenarios. If you have a meeting, you know what's the, what's the end result of the meeting that you know what would that feel good if you have a sales call, what would that look like if you? You know my, my intention this morning was I would be completely uh, my intention was to be as close to being completely done my this program, setting it up and doing the backend stuff.
Sherisse Alexander:Yeah.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:And so, and then how would I feel? How do I feel in all of that and and so? Then, throughout the day, when you're frustrated or you're angry, or uh, listen to your body, like when I'm in my head too much, I get fuzzy, like I feel fuzzy, I know in my head too much.
Sherisse Alexander:I get fuzzy like I feel fuzzy, I know.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:Oh, I need a break. I need a break, yeah, and then I will go, uh, outside. I might go in the hot tub. We have a hot tub here. I might jump in a hot tub and and do like 10 minutes.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:I don't need an hour yeah I'll do something that my body is calling me to do. I have a vibe plate here in my house, so I'll go do the vibe plate. I have a set of weights. I might do five or ten squats. So that's the second piece. And the third piece, uh, is how are you feeding your body?
Ranchelle Van Bryce:true and so, uh, one of the things that I've noticed for myself is if I eat, I'm a grazer. If I honor my grazing and I eat more protein, I don't have low carb. My body can metabolize both protein and carbs and fat, but if I err on the side of protein, my brain doesn't get tired. So I need to bring protein for my brain and then I become less resistant to receiving the messages as well when we when. So we, if we're feeding our, we feed our mind through affirmations, we feed our, our soul through meditation, we feed our body. Then we have mind, body and soul and then we are able to receive messages from higher self, from god, mind. So much easier than if we're feeding garbage, um, scrolling watching. You know tv and I love tv. I watch tv. I watch tv every night for a minimum an hour, sometimes two and a half hours. I am not. I am not saying don't watch TV, just be in awareness of what happens to you when you do watch.
Sherisse Alexander:TV. I love that. Thank you so much for those juicy, juicy tips. I love talking to you.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:I could talk to you for hours.
Sherisse Alexander:I know we could really do this. We literally just did this last week too. So thank you so much, Ranchelle. Any parting words? Where can people find you? How can they? You've got a podcast. We didn't even talk at all about your podcast.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:Yes, I do. I have a podcast Ignite your Success with Ranchelle and absolutely, or my ranchellevanbricecom, or you can find me on any of Insta, Facebook, LinkedIn at Ranchelle I'm very Google-able.
Sherisse Alexander:Yeah.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:That's good or bad, but yes, I'm very Google-able, so reach out and connect with me. Absolutely, we'd love to have a conversation. Thanks, Sherisse.
Sherisse Alexander:Thanks for today. Excellent and connect with me absolutely. We'd love to have a conversation. Thanks, Sherisse, Thanks for today. Thank you so much and again, so grateful for you sharing your story and all that goes with that. So you will be back again and thank you.
Ranchelle Van Bryce:Thank you.
Sherisse Alexander:Bye everyone. Thank you again so much for joining myself and Ranchelle today as we talked about different ways that you can weave some of your spirituality or faith practice into your business and making decisions on a day-to-day basis. So really, in summary, a lot of it is about learning learning really how to balance action with intuition, and my favorite word of all time, of course, is surrender. So if you enjoyed today's content and the content that I've been bringing you over these last few weeks, please feel free to continue to listen on Apple podcasts or Spotify. Continue to listen on Apple Podcasts or Spotify, and if you have any questions or feedback, or if you'd love to be a guest, please reach out to me at Sherisse, That's S-H-E-R-I-S-S-E at yourcollective. ca, and until next time, please take care.